Kidney Infection Symptoms and kidney diseases are typically silent until they reach the advanced stages. Most patients are not even aware that they have renal issues because there are little to no symptoms during the first phases. This, however, doesn’t mean that they are totally undetectable. In fact, aside from warning signs, there are also a handful of imaging and laboratory tests that you can take if you suspect renal problems.
Warning Signs
● Changes in your urine’s characteristics
● Swelling of your extremities and even your face and neck
● Feeling tired all the time
● Trouble breathing
● Nausea and vomiting
● Ammonia-like breath
● Loss of appetite
● Feeling cold
● Itchy and dry skin
● Trouble concentrating
● Frequent muscle cramps
Warning Signs
● Changes in your urine’s characteristics
● Swelling of your extremities and even your face and neck
● Feeling tired all the time
● Trouble breathing
● Nausea and vomiting
● Ammonia-like breath
● Loss of appetite
● Feeling cold
● Itchy and dry skin
● Trouble concentrating
● Frequent muscle cramps
These signs and symptoms are often associated with other medical conditions. Because of this, most patients with renal diseases are not immediately diagnosed correctly. If you experience any of these health issues, it’s best if you can consult your attending physician right away.
There are four types of tests your doctor can order to rule out or affirm any kidney disease you may have.
Blood Tests
● Serum creatinine measures the waste product, creatinine, in your body. Although its normal values can vary depending on gender, race and age, any result beyond the range can signal an impaired renal function.
● Glomerular Filtration Rate measures your organs’ ability to filter out and remove waste products from your system. If your kidneys are not working properly, a GFR of below 60 is expected.
● Blood Urea Nitrogen measures the amount of urea nitrogen. A test result beyond the 7 to 20 range can signal renal issues.
Biopsies are carried out by collecting tissue samples from your urinary tract using a thin cutting needle. It’s generally done to rule out specific causes, such as malignancies, or to determine your organ’s response to treatment.
Urine Tests
Urinalysis is one of the first diagnostic tests you may be prescribed with if renal problems are expected. This test can include both microscopic and dipstick tests to determine the presence of bacteria, protein, pus or even sugar in your urine.
Imaging Studies
CT Scan involves the use of contrast dyes to determine any abnormalities or obstructions in your urinary tract. While this test can help your doctor in his assessment, there are a handful of precautionary measures and risks you have to be aware of. Renal diseases, particularly those in their late stages are particularly vulnerable to its adverse effects.
Ultrasound is also often used to detect obstructions and renal abnormalities. However, instead of dyes, this imaging tool relies on sound waves in creating a picture of your kidneys.
There are four types of tests your doctor can order to rule out or affirm any kidney disease you may have.
Blood Tests
● Serum creatinine measures the waste product, creatinine, in your body. Although its normal values can vary depending on gender, race and age, any result beyond the range can signal an impaired renal function.
● Glomerular Filtration Rate measures your organs’ ability to filter out and remove waste products from your system. If your kidneys are not working properly, a GFR of below 60 is expected.
● Blood Urea Nitrogen measures the amount of urea nitrogen. A test result beyond the 7 to 20 range can signal renal issues.
Biopsies are carried out by collecting tissue samples from your urinary tract using a thin cutting needle. It’s generally done to rule out specific causes, such as malignancies, or to determine your organ’s response to treatment.
Urine Tests
Urinalysis is one of the first diagnostic tests you may be prescribed with if renal problems are expected. This test can include both microscopic and dipstick tests to determine the presence of bacteria, protein, pus or even sugar in your urine.
Imaging Studies
CT Scan involves the use of contrast dyes to determine any abnormalities or obstructions in your urinary tract. While this test can help your doctor in his assessment, there are a handful of precautionary measures and risks you have to be aware of. Renal diseases, particularly those in their late stages are particularly vulnerable to its adverse effects.
Ultrasound is also often used to detect obstructions and renal abnormalities. However, instead of dyes, this imaging tool relies on sound waves in creating a picture of your kidneys.