Obama ordered the removal of 33,000 U.S soldiers from Afghanistan and in near future this initiative will continue the process to remove all troops of U.S.Army from Afghanistan.
Obama set a clear path, which will begin a process of transfer of power to the local Afghan government and the Afghan army, which from year 2014 solely responsible for their own safety. Then only in case of emergency U.S.Army will give backup support to Afghan Nationals.
Officials from White House said that this decision of removal of U.S.Army was taken 18 months back, but due to conditions present in Afghanistan that time, withdrawal of Army could not took place. But now the situation is changed, there is "substantial progress" in the fight against the Taliban and al Qaeda militants in Afghanistan.
With an unemployment rate of lower than 9.2% and an economic situation that fails to recover from the crisis, Obama needs to limit the weak points of his tenure as a President as they approach the 2012 elections, when Republicans wants to remove Obama from White house.