Apple launched an Operating System for Mountain Lion named icloud which includes integration with Facebook and cloud services. The apple company reported that the latest and 9th version of its Mac operating system includes 200 new features which are already available on the App Store for download as an update of its predecessors Lion Snow Leopard.
Mountain Lion with replaced Messages application with Chat has already been launched in the market but its integration with Facebook was not yet available which will be available from now onward. Besides the integration with icloud, the operating system includes tools like Power Nap which allows automatic updating of applications when the computer is idle and Gatekeeper which is a security filter for downloading software.
Mountain Lion in the Messaging application replaces the iChat to communicate with users of other Macs and mobile instant messaging service from Apple IMessage.
Other new Mac operating system includes tool for dictation, including Game Center, the social gaming network and IOS-Notification Center which gives direct access to e-mail messages, calendar, messages and available updates.