Aug 10, 2011

Lady Gaga Vs Maria Sharapova

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga with Weird Hair Style

Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova on Fire

Aug 9, 2011

I am your Romeo - You're My Juliet

Number of times, when i think about you - It goes on my mind


I am your Romeo - You're My Juliet
Romeo 'n' Juliet
It feels like .... Awesomeness.........!!!


Aug 8, 2011

What's Wrong With The World

What's Wrong With The World
Unemployment Rate: Through the unemployed rate has remained above 8% for 30 straight months, latest data reveals that unemployment fell slightly to 9.1% in July and the economy added 117,000 jobs

GDP: The economy grew below expectations at 1.3% in 2011. More worryingly, GDP growth was revised down to 0.4% from 2%

Manufacturing: Manufacturing grew at its slowest pace in over two years at 50.9 in July according to the Institute of Supply Management's purchasing managers index (PMI).

Aug 4, 2011

I Am Sorry "Obama Is Awesome"

Obama Is Awesome 1
Barack Obama Challenging SuperMan

Obama Is Awesome 2
Barack Obama Jet Lee

Aug 3, 2011

Electric Therapy in Jakarta

Electric Therapy in Jakarta
Villagers lie on a railway track and wait for a train to rattle by for electricity therapy in Jakarta. People in the outskirt of the capital have been participating in the treatment  believing that the current from the track could cure diseases.

Aug 1, 2011

Can you die from not drinking ?

Jeremy Singer Vine - assessed the latest theory of the demise of Amy Wine house. Her Family believes that quitting alcohol cold turkey precipitated the soul diva's untimely death.

"Singer Vine uses a scientific explanation of how it is in fact possible to die from not drinking."

Can you die from not drinking ?

Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal generally stem from the fact that heavy drinking forces changes in the brain's sensitivity to key neurotransmitters. So, If one stops drinking , the rebound impact could be potentially fatal.